Shipping Papers – Hazmat CDL Practice Test

Free Hazmat CDL Practice Test for Shipping Papers. Please take all of our free practice tests to ensure that you score well on the big day! The CDL A test includes common subjects such as General Knowledge, Driving Skills, Air Brakes, Transporting Cargo, Transporting Passengers, Combination Vehicles, Pre-Trip Inspection, and Basic Control Skills, and On-Road Driving Test.

Our free hazmat CDL practice test for Shipping Papers contains 10 questions. You may not skip any of the questions. There is no time limit on the test. For maximum practice, we highly recommend taking each of our free CDL practice tests at least once.

While it is the shipper’s responsibility to prepare the shipping papers, it is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY AS THE DRIVER to ensure that the papers are correct. Mistakes happen! The last thing you need is to find out after you get pulled over by DOT that the shipping papers say you’re carrying corrosives when the truck is loaded with Mass Explosives!

Our free hazmat CDL practice test database contains hundreds of questions. If you need more practice or want to improve your score, click the ‘Restart Quiz’ button at the end of the test. The questions will be presented in a different order but they’ll be the same questions you already answered. The second time around you should know the answers.

Feel free to retake this test as many times as you’d like. Once you receive your score there will be a button to View Questions. Wrong answers will be highlighted in red. The correct answer will be in a green box outlined in green.

Congratulations on your decision to become a commercial driver!

Shipping Papers – Hazmat CDL Practice Test